You ae pretty much right about all Bitcoin related things :)

A digital ledger with builtin-security is not *money* but it can be (re) used as a database/record for a real (depposited if you so chose) money (no counterfitting of recipts) or any other kinds of services/goods that currently government/banks have a sole monopoly on recording (e.g. property records) that have to be recorded and are of *public* interest.

The most likely path is the one of decption, after pushing CBDC and failing, they will adopt/regulate one of the popular "crypto" chains as new money .. (most likely after the crash - so there is convincing argument for need for regulation).

Trump can best be described as the false messiah whose job is to entrap as many as possible into NWO.

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Yes, I think that they will push crypto higher and higher making people really LOVE it…and then they CRASH it!

Most crypto holders will be totally desperate after this (thinking they won the lotto, only to have it all evaporate), and then they will ‘bail them out’ with CBDCs.

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"Tethers" like USDT are main vehicles of pushing crypto higher, as they can be pretty much printed at will. However, the end of cryptos seems to be near if one analyzes the signal structure, e.g. price chart. Right now, the MAGA opposition seems to be the target, encouraged by Trump's friendly stance toward cryptos, what better way to give them CBDC of some kind then by blessing of the "messiah" .. maybe it will be called warp-dollar ..

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There are also significant architectural problems with Bitcoin. The following was lifted from "Bitcoin — The Untold Truth" by Paolo Raimondi, Jun 23, 2020


Code Developers have the ability to build their applications down to layer 4 of the OSI model, which is locally significant to the computer system to which that particular application resides. However, if that application wants to interact with a counter-party over the internet it must speak the language of the internet, which is TCP/IP.

Bitcoin is an application layer protocol, no different than any other application layer protocol that has been written to interoperate with the internet.

It is easy to capture packets of a Bitcoin traveling though a network. Internet Service Providers around the globe can identify Bitcoin on their network quite easily and collect information about the conversation as well, there is no need for them to see the contents of what’s inside as they know already what type of conversation is taking place.

Bitcoin’s dependency on a public network acts more as a liability than an asset, as this level of exposure is enough for Internet Service Providers to begin blocking the protocol from ever being allowed access on the public network.

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1. I don't think Trump is a saint or anywhere close. Nor are the known picks for cabinets. However, for me, the main attractions are (1a) DT and his people are not Democrats (1b) I am willing to give him a chance to show that he is not that neocon-hijacked as during his first term. If he could not tell he was sold and back-stabbed by neocons during his first term, he could not have gotten re-elected. (1c) In his first term, his largest contribution, IMHO, is not even any policy (some of the policy moves were good) but simply a disruption of the Deep State. As long as Trump can disrupt the deep-state for another 4 years, I think it is worth the price of whatever screw-up he can make. (1d) Trump will not be able to solve any fundamental problems, but he can probably solve some small to medium complexity problems, or get people agitated enough to deal with the issues head-on.

2. BitCoin mining takes a tremendous amount of electrical power. And each time the chain doubles in length, the power cost doubles as well. Most of the small miners had been squeezed out and only the large ones (with certain connections to somebody or something) continued. I would not even call it a psyop. It is simply cheating and fooling. The originator of the chain now has 1 billion bitcoin to spend. Think about the size of it as a slush fund for covert operations. For ordinary people, you cannot eat your bitcoin, you cannot trade without a computer, and you need somebody who agrees with you about bitcoin is wealth to buy it. I really don't care about other fools messing with it except that those fools will also mess up the entire financial system as well.

3. We tend to think that swamp creatures are simply bad and evil. All the swamp creatures were just ordinary people. It is the inherent weakness of human nature to be utilized to fulfill personal goals at the expense of others. Even if Trump can drain the swamp today, another Swamp creature will show up. Even when there is no DC, no national capital, swamp creatures will simply show up in the street corner drug store, it is only that they have better places to go and to earn big bucks quickly. "Draining the Swamp" is really an attitude to persist in an endless fight against the weakness in human nature. When these captured swamp creatures are put into an environment in which the only way of getting rewarded is to work hard, they will. I have seen some miniature cases in isolated incidents. A lot of bad happens only because we ordinary citizens are afraid to risk our own necks. "It is the government which needs to do something" is the very source to allow swamp creatures to prosper before they even relocate to the suburbs of Washington DC.

4. Most of these problems are well-known or at least known to some people. I don't talk about them because I think the majority of Trump supporters know some of them and may know more than I do. Please consider spending more time on "designing good policies". For example, is it even a good idea that "waiter's tips are exempted from taxation"? During Trump's first term, he did not have this kind of lousy policy claim. But now he does. He has been tainted by the Swamp, of course. I was involved in cleaning up a major waste ditch once when I was young. I can assure you I smelled just the same as the ditch. Trump merely realized that he had to pursue extreme populism to go against the Dominion Machines. Many now think Dominions were not in effect this time, but Trump did not know before the poll was closed.

5. I am promoting the idea of a new "working hour exemption" for W-2-based workers. For up to 40 hours a week, a working American can claim a deduction of federal minimal wage multiplied by working hours. And this goes for the whole year. If someone gets paid for 100 dollars an hour, sorry, the extra deduction is still 7.25 dollars an hour. If this extra deduction stands, the overall system has to raise tax rates for the top bracket to remain revenue-neutral. Therefore, it can be done independently of how the federal budget is balanced. I don't know how many people would buy into this idea, but I think discussing such proposals is more productive than simply blaming wealth inequalities in society. It has been that way for a while and we all know that already.

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> "simply because so far nobody has been able to convincingly explain me how it exactly works or what exactly is so great about it."

1. Line Goes Up has a great (and accurate) explanation of how it actually works ca. 7:20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g

2. What's so great about it is money laundering and sanctions/tax evasion. Buying bitcoin is making an investment in crime (and crime is highly profitable).

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