Is there a connection between Covid19, biological-genetical warfare, the mRNA technology, and mass migration?
This thought already occurred to me a couple of years ago, but so far I have been vert hesitant to write it down, simply because it might be too outrageous for most people. So far I haven’t seen anyone who has made a similar connection between Covid19, mRNA ‘vaccines’ and mass migration, and most likely this is for a good reason.
Nevertheless I want to get this off my chest, and who knows, learn something in the meantime so here we go..
My thesis originates from a bunch of seemingly random thoughts and ideas that were thrown around on social media, the mainstream media, and my own life experience.
When the ‘pandemic’ started in 2020 I initially followed the ‘script’ and I admit that I was worried. I found out relatively early in January 2020 that ‘something was happening in Wuhan China’ from people that were mostly specialised in economic reporting, for example Christ Martinson, Erik Townsend and a few economic blogs. I told my mom to stock up on food and disinfectant, and I went shopping to a DIY store for a few KN95/FFP2 masks. I was living in Germany at that time in an apartment building that housed many relatively old people and I remember fearing that perhaps many of my neighbours were going to die. However, by end March/early April 2020 I started to realise that this was definitely not the pandemic that was ‘promised’ to us by the mainstream media.
I worked shifts in the aerospace industry for a satellite company, and many contingency plans were made to make sure that shifts were covered in case colleagues would get sick and be quarantined. Some colleagues were specialised in certain satellites, which made a possible hospitalisation or quarantine of these colleagues even more critical. As a result, the company started a massive undertaking to diversify the qualifications, thus trying to reduce the impact that one sick person might have on the entire company.
A previously career path, also in the aerospace business which allowed me to do very extensive traveling, gave me an diverse network of friends and acquaintances spread across the globe who all started giving me feedback of very similar ‘measures’ that were taken in order to combat the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Everywhere around the world we saw the same picture: lockdowns, masks, QR codes, and later, huge pressure to get vaccinated with a fast-tracked and mostly experimental vaccine.
By the end of 2020 the world had been indoctrinated into wearing masks, using QR codes, doing PCR testing, and believing that a vaccine would be the only viable strategy out of this ‘pandemic.’ By that time In had become a full-blown skeptic and rebel . Nobody in my apartment building had died or even gotten severely sick (proponents will of course claim that this was “due to the measures”), yet “cases” were skyrocketing supposedly (by those same COVID19-measures-proponents) “due to people ignoring the measures.”
Once the initial shock had worn off, it was crystal clear that ‘things were not quite adding up’ and that some kind of huge fraud and psychological operation (PsyOp) was unfolding, but it seems most people were too caught up in the fear mongering to notice or to wake up. So much for the background to COVID19.
Now let’s go back a few years and look at some headlines about (alleged) biological or chemical warfare. Mind you, I am not passing judgement here about who did what, I merely remember that these stories were making headlines all over the world;
Does anybody remember the story of the alleged poisoning of Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko in 2004?
Does anybody remember the story of the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, supposedly by Polonium 210?
Does anybody remember the 2017 story of how allegedly “foreign agents are collecting DNA samples from Russians of different ethnicities and sending the data abroad for scientific analysis?”
Does anybody remember the story of the alleged poisoning of the Skripals, supposedly by “Russian agents” using Novichok in March 2018?
Does anybody remember the 2019 story of how a heritage site was sharing DNA samples with the FBI, and how questionable it is to give your own DNA samples to companies that (supposedly) specialise in constructing your genetic family tree? What happens to your DNA data when a company goes bankrupt as what might happen to 23andMe?
Does anybody remember the story of the still unfolding mystery of how the United States EcoHealth Alliance and DARPA were (allegedly!) funding Gain-of -Function. research at the Wuhan biological laboratory from which (allegedly!) the SARS-CoV-2 virus escaped?
Does anybody remember the story of the alleged poising of former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili in 2022?
Does anybody remember the March 2022 story of how US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland accidentally revealed that the United States military was allegedly running a large number of biological warfare laboratories in Ukraine?
We can deduce a few things from the above headlines;
clearly an anti-Russian sentiment was being stoked.
among the world’s major economical and military powers, there seems to be a worldwide quest for DNA data.
using the anti-Russian sentiment in #1 as cover, it seems as if the United States is most probably funding a large number of biological warfare laboratories around the world, most notably in Wuhan China and at numerous locations in Ukraine.
before, during and after the COVID19 ‘pandemic’ the public was/is clearly being conditioned with stories about biological and chemical warfare.
So let’s delve a little bit into biological and genetical warfare.
When I did my mandatory military service for a small Western-European nation during the last days of the Cold War, we were taught some very basics about Atomic, Biological and Chemical (ABC) warfare. The training regarding Atomic and Chemical warfare was a total joke and it amounted to little more than an 1980’s version of the hilariously dumb “duck and cover” propaganda video of 1951.
We had to wear gas masks and very thick protective suits that supposedly would offer protection against nerve agents. Getting into these thick suits was a huge hassle and I doubt that they would have offered much protection. Doing any physical movement wearing those suits + a gas mask was strenuous to say the least, let alone fight a war. Additionally I vaguely remember that we were given auto-injectors that supposedly contained some sort of antidote against chemical warfare agents.
The Biological component (viruses etc) of ABC Warfare was mostly ignored back in the late 1980’s during my military conscription, but especially considering the worldwide analogous nature of COVID19 countermeasures, I’m now wondering whether times have changed and biological, or more specifically biological warfare targeting specific genetical characteristics, has quietly and silently arrived.
The ‘smoking gun’ for the Western military component (NATO) of the SARS-CoV-2 ‘pandemic’ is perhaps the recent statement of the brand-new health minister of NATO member The Netherlands, where Fleur Agema has made a remarkable admission which was uncovered by the Dutch medical doctor Els van Even who has been continuously harassed by the Dutch ‘Health” Authorities because of her critical stance regarding the Covid19 countermeasures implemented in The Netherlands
Here is the Google generated translation of Els van Veen’s post on X (formerly Twitter) which is in Dutch, bold print is mine:
Almost five years after the start of Corona, I understand much better what happened. Last week, the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport @MinVWS explained that the Corona policy was commissioned by the NCTV @NCTV_NL, National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security, and NATO.
A military operation, therefore, that had nothing to do with healthcare. It is this video of only three minutes that makes so much clear to me. I invite you to listen carefully to what Minister Agema says here. Mrs Paulusma also says something, but she is still on the track of 'infectious disease control', a track that I was also on for a long time. Before 2020, the GDs were there to help combat infectious diseases such as measles, whooping cough, etc. That is why I was very confused throughout 2020, when the GDs first set up expensive 'testing streets' and later 'vaccination streets'.
Money suddenly seemed to play no role, while until 2020 there were cuts in healthcare and GPs were frugal with additional diagnostics such as PCR tests.
After this video and this explanation I actually understand everything. Hence the censorship of critics and especially critical doctors. Hence the police visit in 2021, supposedly because of a tweet about injection boxes. Hence letters and an investigation by the Inspectorate, based on anonymous and unfounded reports that I would spread disinformation.
That is why the government and VWS do not want to release the WOB documents, that they are blacked out, that the minutes of the OMT are guarded as if they were a state secret. The NCTV governs this country, but prefers to do so with a closed visor.
Because we should not want democracy and transparency, if the government and NCTV are going to designate unsuspecting citizens as a threat to the state. For unsuspecting general practitioners like me it was bizarre to experience and of course my confidence has not increased. But I would rather know this than not and now understand from which angle I have been attacked in recent years.
I didn't understand it for a long time, because I didn't deny Corona (I was called a 'corona denier' in 2020 when I was critical of face masks that don't work against a respiratory virus) and I thought from a healthcare perspective, making sick people better, curing people of COVID-19. Explaining to people, reassuring people were possible. Just my job, which I've been doing for years.
But it was about Pandemic Preparedness. Isn't that the same as infectious disease control? No. Pandemic Preparedness is research that mainly virologists do to protect humanity against coming pandemics. That sounds very nice, but the practice is much less nice.
Jan Bonte's trilogy that comes in is about SARS-CoV-2, the possibility of a lab escape from the WIV in Wuhan, previous lab escapes, Pandemic Preparedness and One Health. Of course I can't summarize such a trilogy in one tweet, but this explanation by Fleur Agema explains almost everything that has happened to critical doctors in recent years. I just don't understand why other GPs have reported to me without contacting me first, but I actually think that they have been dragged along and scared and have come to believe that critics were the danger in the 'war against the virus'.
We simply did our work, even the critical GPs, we kept to the doctor's oath, tried to make people better when they were seriously ill and old and no longer wanted to go to the overcrowded ICU. We explained how the new mRNA injections worked and resisted coercion and pressure.
Because coercion is evil in any relationship and certainly in that between doctor and patient.
Now I also understand the incredibly harsh treatment of GP Elens @hapelensrob, who cured ten people in a row with Hydroxychloroquine. He gave that drug off-label, but in consultation, to people who were seriously ill with Covid-19 and would probably die.
Was the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport happy? No, because COVID-19 was a military operation. Only, that was not honestly stated by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The Inspectorate took action because Elens cured patients. That was not the intention. Actually, the later vaccines were not even the goal, I think now, but the corona access card and 2G and far-reaching control over citizens and their actions with regard to flying, meat consumption, etc.
Fortunately, that did not work. Fortunately, the vaccines did not work as well as hoped. Vaccinated people still got sick from Corona. There was too much resistance from 'crazy people' and 'disinformation spreading' doctors. It also fits in perfectly with a military operation, which I have seen several times on the Museumplein. That demonstrating was prohibited, that innocent citizens were beaten up by the riot police, bitten by police dogs, that water cannons were used. Mind you, on the Museumplein, we did not demonstrate by (life-threateningly) sitting on the highway, we did not stick ourselves to the asphalt to get our way. We were simply worried, we did not understand and were abused by the police, by the justice system and so I now understand with the approval of the NCTV and Mr. Aalbersberg @PJAalbersberg.
But Corona is not over, it was not about health. It was a military operation, the Minister of Health obeys NATO and NCTV. It does not make me happy, but I am very relieved that I now understand much better why I was treated the way I was treated.
The video in which Dutch Health Minister Fleur Agema made this stunning admission can be seen here, in the Dutch (you might want to lower the sound volume, apologies in advance 😃) with English subtitles:
As failed chemical attacks during World War 1 have illustrated, it can be very tricky and difficult to contain the chemical agents used. A sudden and unexpected change in wind direction could easily cause the chemicals released upon the enemy to drift back towards your own troops, and areas contaminated by chemical agents could be off-limits for your own troops and population (unless unpractical protective clothing was worn) until the chemical agents had dissipated sufficiently.
So instead of using indiscriminate chemical agents, wouldn't it therefore make sense to instead start using biological agents against which the own troops have genetical natural or genetically vaccinated immunity, but which in turn only makes the enemy population and/or troops sick, and as a result also severely weakens their supporting economy?
How would one defend against such an attack? By the time it is discovered that biological agents (viruses) have been released by an enemy against your own population, it could already be too late for countermeasures… Furthermore, how would you even know who is targeting you?
A number of defences might be possible, although some these are not very strong defences;
continuous 24/7 monitoring of viruses by authorities
having vaccine technology that can very quickly be adapted in order to combat specific pathogens…enter the mRNA technology which has (rightly or wrongly) been credited for possessing this capability
ethnically and therefore genetically diversifying your own population so that any genetically targeted virus can not completely paralyse or wipe out your own economic, military, medical and logistical infrastructure.
Let’s look at these point by point.
1) Testing makes sense, but there are of course practical and logistical limits to the amount of testing that can be done. Furthermore, it would probably be prohibitively expensive in the long run to continuously test large portions of your own population for any possible biological warfare agents. The most important point however is: what do you test for in the first place? Of course you can make educated guesses about what kind biological agents a hostile government might use against you, but what if the hostile government is more creative that you imagined? As a last point, a big disadvantage of testing is that this gives zero advance warning time. Once a biological warfare agent is discovered among the own population, it’s basically too late.
2) Once a biological warfare attack is detected, a quick response could be to quickly develop an appropriate antidote and distribute this among your own population. According to the proponents, the new mRNA technology is extremely well suited for rapid vaccine development, but worldwide the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus was extremely similar. Natural immunity was quickly dismissed and all the big economic and military powers immediately started to develop their own vaccines. Russia was first with their Sputnik V in August 2020, followed by Western vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, ModeRNA and AstraZeneca in the fall of 2020, and in summer 2021 China also joined the ‘vaccine club’ with their CoronaVac a.k.a. Sinovac. Additionally, some of these vaccines are rumoured to also have a strong DNA-altering component, more about this below in point 3.
3) The final and probably best line of defence is to ethnically and genetically diversify your own nation to the point that any biological warfare attack can no longer effectively target you, especially when compared to an attack against a genetically unaltered and native population. By ‘watering down’ or diluting the genetic composition of your own nation, the biological warfare agent also needs to be ‘watered down’ in order to have any broad-based effect to cripple the enemy nation’s economic, military, medical and logistical infrastructure. However, the downside is then of course that this ‘watered down’ virus might also target their own population as this biological agent spreads across the world, which brings us back to the conundrum similar to what was seen in World War 1 when one side was using chemical agents and a sudden or unexpected change in wind direction would then have the unintended consequence of targeting their own troops. As the saying goes: “blowback is a b*tch.”
Conveniently, the Western ‘Open Door Policy’ of opening the floodgates for migrants from all over the word would neatly dovetail into what would probably (I’m no medical or biological warfare expert!) be the best defence against a biological-genetical warfare attack.
Similar to the aggressive defamation and cancellation of medical doctors who opposed the Covid19 countermeasures, anyone who even remotely criticises or questions the current migration policies of Western nations experiences a similar treatment. The repertoire is always the same;
massive propaganda by the mainstream media of the supposed ‘benefits’ of and urgent ‘needs’ for mass migration, for example; the alleged “refugee” status, the supposed need for “cultural diversity,” the supposed need for “skilled” workers, the supposed need for new workers paying into our pension systems, etc)
massive and aggressive media attacks on citizens or politicians criticising mass migration by labelling them “far right,” calling for them to lose their jobs, and comparing them to supporters of the horrors of Nazi Germany
weaponising the legal system and justice (?) departments to unleash extremely heavy-handed ‘lawfare,’ upon anyone opposing or criticising the mass migration agenda on social media, with extreme examples recently seen in the United Kingdom where people have been arrested and jailed for posts on Facebook or X
Similar to the Covid19 narrative surrounding the effectiveness of the countermeasures which HAD TO BE PUSHED THROUGH AT ALL COSTS, we see an analogous government policy when it comes to Mass Migration. Why? What’s the urgency?
No doubt largely due to the above measures, when it comes to mass migration the West is in 2024 by far in the ‘leading’ position compared to the rest of the world, which has a far more homogeneous genetical composition due to far stricter migration policies and cultural resistance against migrants. We could of course expand this thesis into the New World Order narrative, and supranational organisations such as the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, the World Health Organisation, and the World Economic Forum, but that would probably be too much right now so let’s save that for another day.
Nevertheless it’s worth considering: is this part of the West’s “Agenda 2030?” Is this an agenda for total global dominance and hegemony by the year 2030? Was the January 2020 (quite a symbolic and fitting date for the kickoff of a centrally planned 10 Year Plan isn’t it?) escalation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak in Wuhan an accident in a biological laboratory? Was this was all intended and by design, or whether this is all purely coincidental and truly an accident? Why do Western countries react so nervously when people question the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or the true need or nonsensical push for mass migration, and why are they even more nervous about any political opposition party launching a critical review of the 2020 ‘pandemic?’
To quote Bob Ross: “we don’t make mistakes, we have happy little accidents.” 😉
Please let me know what you thought about my little brainstorm and incoherent rambling. Have you run out of tin foil? 😉 Any points I missed? Anything you agree or strongly disagree with? Any scientific points that I (as a total layman) have overlooked?
If you liked the article and you have some spare Bitcoins or Satoshi’s laying around, please consider sending (via the Lightning Network) a little bit my way. Many thanks, much appreciated!
When you analyzing something that can be extremely complex as biological weapons you have to keep in mind that nobody sane would release anything that can (mutate) and come back to bite them. So no, wide-spread use of biological weapons is pretty much not going to happen because (or until you find the way to control them) you can not control them. Instead you create a psyop = mass hysteria and inject people with whatever shit you want because this method of elimination is totally local and controlled. Chemical weapons - yeah baby, they are being used everyday on your food & water. The fertility (sperm count) has taken a nose dive, cancer rates are through the roof, diabetes and all kind of chronic illnesses are exploding. The problem is not mass killing the people, the problem is doing this in orderly, hard to detect fashion w/o causing a panic and with orderly disposal of the bodies. Or just dumb them down via chemicals (Fluoride i the water) and "education".. COVID scam offered convenient way for globalists to discover and get of opposition in high places that they missed and would resist their plans (note: very high mortality rate of gov. officials in Africa and Iran).
Migration is a different issue, if you have(not) noticed: mostly the Western/White race is subject to migration attack. Most likely because they have built the western civilization and are most likely to resist the globalists plans. They are being (most obvious in Europe, the Kalergi plan) replaced with people who can easily be controlled (religion, culture, money, etc.) and have no habit of thinking and analyzing, let alone seeing the big picture.
China, Russia, the "BRICS" - they are the false alternative, pushing the same solutions (total surveillance, digital currency, etc.) The only big country standing in stark contrast is Argentina (tells you how fast you can turn the country around if you really want).
If NATO pulled the strings of the pandemic, why did Russia and China go along with it?
It's odd that the East fell for the Western con-vid sham.
Remember, Russia's shot was as bad as Astra Zeneca.
Russia also had regional mandates.